When you have your precious little one with you when you go to the supermarket, placing the baby car seat on top of the shopping cart seems like the most convenient thing to do.
Sure, it might be convenient but it is NOT SAFE. In fact, it is more DANGEROUS than you think.
Unfortunately, some parents STILL choose to keep doing it Even AFTER Learning about how very dangerous this can be.
Babies have died from head injuries as a result of their car seats falling off a shopping cart. It has happened before and it can happen again.
A three-month-old boy has died after he fell from a shopping cart as it was pushed over a speed bump. James Anderson Berg died after the car seat he was sat in toppled from the top of the cart in a Kroger parking lot in Macon, Atlanta. Source: DailyMail.co.uk
In fact, most shopping carts that you find in grocery stores and supermarkets have warning signs (like the one shown below) saying that baby car seats should not be placed on top of shopping carts.

Even the American Academy of Pediatrics highly recommends not to place baby car seats on shopping carts due to the potential dangers associated with the practice.
Some parents still choose to ignore these warnings in spite of being made aware of the serious dangers their child is being exposed to. It’s just really unfortunate. I just can’t understand why some parents are willing to risk a baby’s life for the sake of convenience and just to prove to themselves that there really is no cause for concern.
Here are the 6 foolish reasons why some parents still choose to place their baby car seat on top of a shopping cart even after learning how very dangerous it can be:
Reason 6. “This is just ridiculous. I have never had this happen to me.”

Here are samples of actual quotes.
I have 3 kids all of them I did this with and had no issues … In 32 years I have never seen this happen! Again stupid people! – S.B.
OK, that is ridiculous! If I click my infant carseat on the shopping cart it becomes top heavy and can flip? … That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. – C.L.
This is stupid to me … I have always put my child on the cart and had no problems ever!!!! – R.P.
For years i have seen people putting their seats on carts and i will continue to do the same thing…for me its all about paying attention. – K.L.
I never had problems with that and both of my kids are fine I have a 3 yr old and I have a 1 yr old they turn out just fine. – C.L.
I put all three of my kinds, and all of my babysitting kids on carts like that. In twenty years, I’ve never had an issue. – D.S.
Just because it hasn’t happened to YOU or anyone you know, does not mean it won’t happen.
The unfortunate reality is that accidents involving car seats on shopping carts really do happen.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), shopping carts are the leading cause of head injuries in young children – surpassing injuries from high chairs, strollers, changing tables, baby gates and other equipment. The CPSC estimates that about 16,000 children under the age of five fall out of shopping carts each year and nearly 1,000 of those injuries involve falling infant carriers. Source: GreenChildMagazine.com
Here are moms who shared their experience regarding placing the car seat on a shopping cart:
My child [now 16 year old] DID flip over in a car seat on top of a cart while in a car seat. The cart was unable to hold the weight of the car seat. She had a gash over her eye and ended up in the ER. She was 3 months old. Back then everyone put their baby on top of a cart. I am not a moron either. It amazes me all the ignorant comments from rude mothers who were lucky enough not to have this tragedy happen to their baby. Back then no one knew this hazard. We learn and sometimes it is the hard way. The danger and risk is very real. Just look at the shopping carts at Walmart. There are warnings on them. I am glad to see that warnings about this on the Internet to educate mothers on the danger of this. Car seats belong in cars. – A.M.
So for the first time ever after 5 children … we were walking in the store when we hit a bump and there went the car seat thankfully falling in the right position in the cart! But I noticed this cheap car seat doesn’t fit on the top like all the others had. Anywhoo she’s ok. But we’re more careful now. So my point is anything can happen for any reason. Like I said I have five kids… all were put on top of the cart. – K.M.
I’ve witnessed first hand when a carseat toppled off a shopping cart. Not my own child, but terrifying nonetheless. Its not worth the risk. Ive never put either of my kids on top of a cart like that because, as the carts themselves explicitly show, its not safe. – N.K.
The next foolish reason has something to do with a car seat’s locking mechanism.
Just because your car seat “clicks into” the cart does not mean that it is safe …
Reason 5. “This is so stupid. My car seat latches on (or clicks onto) the cart.”

Here are samples of actual quotes.
This is so stupid carseats are made to click onto the back of the shopping car just like they to their base and a stroller. – S.H.
I don’t see any problem having a car seat on top as long as it latches on. – M.F.
My car seat latches to the cart. – B.P.
This is stupid. My car seats actually had 2 “slits” in them so they hooked onto the back of the shopping cart “seat” thingy. It would be impossible for it to fall off. – C.M.
This is dumb most name brand carseats are designed to fit properly in the cart and you can fed the lap belt thru the bottom the same you would in the car this is ridiculous. _ P.J.
Car seats today actully snap on to the shopping carts. Yes I know people will say that’s not what it’s ment for but if u actully look it up some car seats where made to snap onto the shopping cart. – J.P.S.
According to safety expert Debra Holtzman, even if a car seat is is latched or locked on the cart, it still isn’t safe. Shopping carts can tip over easily — and they’re more likely to if there’s a car seat mounted on them.
Holtzman, who is also the author of The Safe Baby, adds:
The cart has a narrow wheel base in relation to its height, so the center of gravity is affected when you put a child in it. When your child’s car seat is on top of it, the center of gravity is affected even more, increasing the chances of tipping. Source: TheBump.com
Accidents happen and they do often within seconds … most especially when shopping carts tip over. Within seconds, your life can change completely.
Furthermore, you can damage the car seat’s locking mechanism. One mom sums this up perfectly:
Ladies, no your car seat is NOT made to latch onto the cart. What you are doing is potentially damaging the locking mechanisms that latch/attach/lock into your car seat’s base. This means that if the locking mechanisms are damaged that in the event of an accident, the locks may fail & your child will be thrown about in the car or even out of it. It is not safe for your child while shopping or later while in the car… Please get over yourselves & your pride & do what you can to protect your children from preventable injury. – B.C.B.
Even if your manual is saying you can lock the car seat onto the shopping cart, this does not necessarily mean that it is a good idea to do so. It’s just not safe.
Here is one mother’s account of a horrendous accident that she witnessed.
I hope none of you ever have to witness what i did. A mother put her bucket in the seat part. As she went over the bump separating the carpet from tile it hit just right and off the seat went. I still cannot shake the sound of that baby’s head hitting the concrete between the bucket and floor. Followed by the screams of a mother who “heard the click”. I am pretty sure it had never happened to her in response to the “it never happened to me” ignorance being spewed. Know better, do better. The clips on the seat are meant to secure it to the base in the car. – B.S.
Some even reason out that car seats can protect their babies in case of a fall.
This reasoning is really bound to hurt babies …
Reason 4. “If a car seat can protect a baby in a car accident, then it should be able to protect a baby from a fall.”

Here are samples of actual quotes.
I don’t know of any shopping cart that is easily tipped … Also, i find it hard to believe that a car seat can save a baby from death in a car accident (which is far more devastating) than a fallen cart. I’m just saying. – M.G.
I always put my baby on the top and haven’t had an issue …..car seats are designed to protect little one from a car accident but can’t protect them from a cart tipping over , I highly doubt it…. This kind of bad me mad. – J.T.
So car seats we put our children in them to keep safe during a car crash but can’t put them on top of a cart? Seems stupid to me. – S.R.
Ok so car seats are approved safe in a moving car which could be wrecked at high speeds but not in a shopping cart…wtf as long as the child is strapped in appropriately then how are theu falling out. – A.H.
If the car seat can’t protect a baby from falling in a shopping cart them it has no business being in a vehicle. Js – A.S.
A car seat is designed MAINLY to protect a baby in a car crash. Car seats are NOT designed to protect a baby from a fall off a shopping cart.
Here’s what a mom has to say about this issue:
A fallen cart is likely to land with them face first to the ground. A car seat is not designed to protect them from this, so it can injure or kill them. – M.W.
This mom recounts her nightmarish experience involving her son:
9 years ago i had my 2 month old son Connor in a car seat on the top of the buggy and my 3 year old stepson was trying to help load groceries on to the belt and knocked my sons car seat on the floor. He was strapped in but the car seat hit face first. His body never touched the ground however his head slammed back into the seat and he had a brain bleed and spent the night in childrens hospital. Dont ever think it won’t happen to you or that the car seat will fully protect them even properly strapped in. I will never forget that sickening thud of the car seat hitting the ground. – A.S.
The next reason has to do with cart space.
Although cart space may be a concern, it still does not justify risking a child’s life …
Reason 3. “How am I supposed to grocery shop if I don’t have enough space for groceries?”

Here are samples of actual quotes.
Ok, so how am I supposed to grocery shop? I always put my babys car seat on the shopping cart. – B.H.
It’s a pain to go grocery shopping with the carrier in the cart, I can’t buy much and the bagger doesn’t seem comfortable packing my cart with her in there. – V.L.
When my son was a baby. I put on top of the cart where the seat is. I know it was a risk. But when you have to do a lot of shopping. Where are you going to put the food and other stuff at If your child is in the buggie. – D.S.
It would be hell grocery shopping with four kids and putting the car seat in the deep part of the cart. There would be no place for the groceries. – S.H.
I tried grocery shopping for the family with the car seat in the basket of the cart and I had no room for groceries. They were piling up next to him and I was then worried about groceries falling on top of him. – S.W.
These moms have a solution regarding space issues:
I put my baby’s car seat inside the grocery cart and put all my stuff on the space around the car seat and at the bottom of the cart I would not trust latching my baby’s car seat to the shopping cart. – M.M.
I personally don’t enjoy grocery shopping BUT I will make 2 or 3 small trips a week with my now 3month old son & just place his car seat in the carts basket. I just load up the little seat with things I need. – D.C.
Just because it hasn’t happened to you doesn’t make it safe. Our local grocery store manager has asked parents to remove their child from the top of the cart. I have made large grocery runs with my infant in the cart, have never had an issue. – C.L.
Just put the car seat in the basket. It’s common sense. If you have to buy a lot on a grocery trip, wear the baby. Just don’t put the baby on top. It’s not that hard to figure out. – M.T.
Still think it’s worth risking your baby’s life by placing the car seat on top of a shopping cart? Here’s another mother’s unfortunate experience:
An old man ran into my shopping Cart in his electric wheel chair and tipped it over in the parking lot when I was putting groceries in my car. My 3 month old child AND his car seat fell from the top of the buggy and landed head first on the concrete. Yes he was strapped into his seat but it landed with him head down. He had a concussion and and road burn and had to stay in the hospital for 2 days. I was uneducated. I didn’t see a problem with it. I didn’t think something like that would happen to me and if someone would have told me something about it I honestly would have had a “this is my baby and I’ll do what I want” reply. If you think your cart can’t tip over from a small child you’re probably right, but it can tip over due to a number of other things. My baby could have died that day. Every time I see a mother place her child at the top of the cart I cringe. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE think safety first. It can happen to anyone at anytime. – A.S.
Here’s what some “responsible” parents’ excuse for placing a car seat on a shopping cart.
Accidents STILL do happen even to the best of us.
Reason 2. “I am a responsible, attentive parent. I have my hand on the car seat at all times.”

Here are samples of actual quotes.
Omg this is so stupid learn how to push a cart lmao I don’t see any problem having a car seat on top as long as it latches on a responsible parent should be able to manage a cart without an injury to a child. – M.F.
I have done it with all my kids and never had a problem the carseat locks onto the cart and im holding the cart too. – S.H.
Like everyone has someone on stand by to keep their child when grocery shopping. I’ve done this with my kids and as long as I’m right there (as any parent should be) I can guarantee they are safe. – K.S.
This is ridiculous. Kids aren’t going to get hurt just by being in the shopping cart. I put my baby’s carseat on the top and my 3 year old behind it. There’s absolutely no way of them falling out unless someone comes and pushes my cart over, which is highly unlikely … Moral of the story is pay attention to your kids, be a parent. It’s pretty simple. – R.B.
I usually dont do this, but sometimes I have to and I have never had a problem, like everyone else says it latches in. I hold the seat while steering so my hand is on the car seat at all times. – K.M.
Parents, just a reminder … All it takes is 1 second of distraction for accidents to happen. It’s not easy being 100% attentive to your baby when you are reaching out for items on the shelf, comparing prices, or simply reaching into your purse.
The risks are real. Here are what other moms have to say:
I seen a cart flip with a baby on top of it. Guess what the baby was a week old. Busted it’s head wide open and had to go into emergency surgery… not a big deal still? You can still stand with the cart but she wasn’t able to catch the baby. Why even risk it if there is a possibility your child could get hurt. – K.G.
Brings back bad memories..I was at grocery store with my two babies (they are 15 days from being a year apart) my daughter was in the car seat postioned like above and my son was in the cart..I turned my back for a second to get something off the shelf..I heard a loud BAM to see my youngest upside down on the hard concrete floor..my heart dropped and suddenly had a knot in my throat..how could this have happened, I quickly grabbed her, she didn’t cry or anything I was scared to death. I took her to the emergency room and was told not to let her sleep just incase she had a concussion but they believe because the handle was in upright position on the car seat it helped protect her. I would advise anyone that has a little one to put the car seat in the cart not on the handle/seat area. I was very lucky my baby wasn’t injured!! – T.C.
When my daughter was small I put the car seat on top. I stopped after an accident. We left the store and I noticed a jungle gym outside and pulled the cart over to look at them for my son. I had one hand on the cart (loosely) while I was looking at prices. Big gust of wind came, blew the cart out of my hand. The cart rolled off the curb, and my daughter went flying through the air. Landed facedown in her car seat on the pavement. She was fine, thankfully. Not a scratch. But it CAN happen. I’m not a bad parent, I thought it was latched on. It wasn’t. Accidents can happen and happen very fast. From then on, I never set a car seat on top. I cringe when I see it now in the store. I know it’s NOT safe. We got lucky. To see her car seat flying through the air and land face down was so scary. – A.E.
I saw it in Walmart once. Another cart came around the corner and bumped the cart with the baby and the seat came off. Luckily the mom caught it right before it hit the ground but if she hadn’t the baby would’ve hit its head on the concrete floor. She put the seat in the actual basket and said that was too close. She was pushing the cart and still barely had time to grab the seat. – A.E.
Some people say they keep both hands on the cart and they dont do any “crazy stunts”. What about a kid who runs out in front of you? What if someone isnt paying attention and slams into your cart? When my daughter was a few months old I had her carseat in the big bottom part of the cart (never ever on top) and a lady slammed into us so hard that my child woke up and started crying. I was furious at this idiot (she saw the baby, but never apologized. So…idiot) but what would have happened if I had her carseat on top and she hit me that hard? When it comes to my children, its not worth the convenience. – R.W.
The last foolish reason is simply unbelievable.
This kind of thinking is certainly going to put some innocent baby at risk of getting hurt or killed.
Reason 1. “This is all just fear mongering. Never seen it or heard of it happen.”

Here are samples of actual quotes.
This really is fear mongering. I’ve had 3 kids and all I’ve put the car seat on the cart. None of this makes sense and there is no sign on any cart that I’ve seen that warned no infant seats. – S.H.
This article is ridiculous!!! It’s an unnecessary scare tactic for new parents. Granted, my children are 13 and 15 now. But back then our car seats were designed to mount into the toddler seat of grocery carts. They were strapped in safe and secure. – L.E.
its all just fear pushing. – S.M.
This article is annoying and stupid. I don’t even think it’s true. Maybe 3 to maybe 6 yr olds that try to hang on the side or front or back. But not an INFANT in a car seat. This article is so dumb. – T.D.
Fatalities and serious injuries to babies as a result of placing a car seat sitting on top of a shopping cart ARE REAL. We are just doing our best to raise awareness about this dangerous practice.
If you still decide to risk your baby’s life with this practice, that’s really up to you. However, we hope that you would reconsider for your child’s sake. Please keep your child safe.
This smart mom sums our point.
It isn’t safe period. If you understand the risks and choose to do it anyways, that is your business as a parent, but don’t act as though it isn’t a risk. It is. Many babies have flipped the cart this way. That is why there are warning on both the cart and in your car seat manual not to do it. If your car seat actually latches to the cart, it could actually damage the seat where it won’t be as effective in an actual car accident, the reason you have the car seat to begin with. You do have other options. We all make choices in life. – T.C.
Still not convinced about the dangers of placing a car seat on the shopping cart? You might like to read what some supermarket and retail employees have to say about this:
There was a baby in South Georgia who fell out of a shopping cart like this and died. As a grocery store employee, I will NOT help you to your car with your baby in that position. Your baby, your risk. You won’t ruin my life with your carelessness. – J.W.
I am a manager at a store and you would be surprised how often I see car seats flip baskets over , and I have only had one flip due to a child being in the bottom. I ask everyone I see with a car seat on top to move it down and explain to them how often it does happen. – M.P.
For all the ladies saying that car seats clips into the cart. That clip is meant for the base in your car. Using that to clip on the cart will actually damage the mechanism and make it not snap properly back into place. Most car seat manuals will state that in the book. I have worked as cashier I have seen infants get injured and carts turned over. Please baby wear, stroller, or place in the big part of the basket or 2 baskets. What’s more important convenience or your child’s safety. – N.D.
Please share this article with family and friends who have babies. Let’s do our part in preventing another child from getting seriously hurt, or at worst, getting killed.
Do you still plan to risk your baby’s life in spite of being made aware of the dangers of placing the car seat on top of a shopping cart? (We certainly hope not.)