Baby Stroller and Bikini Equals Epic “Oh My” Moment. Absurd? Funny? Inspiring? You Be The Judge.

The folks at luxury stroller maker, Bugaboo, sure have marketing sorta figured out with their latest photo on their Facebook fanpage … an image of a jogging stroller being pushed by a super model in her bikinis. Yup, you read that right and I am not kidding.

The image has certainly created some stir and polarizing conversation among moms with some wacky and hilarious comments on Bugaboo’s Facebook such as:

I’m not gonna cus her out for what she’s wearing but I have 2 children and if was running in this on the school run it would be because I’d forgotten to put my clothes on because we’re late for school, my 5 year old had fallen off his scooter, my 2 year old refuses to put his shoes on and there’s a good chance I haven’t had the time to do my bikini line. There’s an image to leave you with.

That’s actually my body, just with her head on it. The message here is: staying fit is suuuuuuuuuper easy and if you do not have a Bugaboo then you’re stupid.

That top cannot be supporting anything, there is nothing to it! If the image was of her wearing that outfit whilst enjoying a day at the beach or pool then fine it looks appropriate but really, taking a run with ur child in the park???!!!

Want to see the picture that is creating some controversy?

Below is Bugaboo’s controversial photo of supermodel Ymre Stiekema running around in her bikinis while pushing a jogging stroller.


Here are what other moms have to say about the photo:

Lol mums have no excuse now. Exercise those body’s, and stop making excuses!!

I often go running with a full face of make up on, a bikini and no socks.

I hope she’s running to mcdonalds. I’d rather not look like that! Far too skinny. Cor I’m no model but that’s not a great picture to show new mums. I like a real woman with wobbly bits!

Love this!! …Perhaps some of you ladies need to put the twinkles down and get out from behind the keyboard and go for a run.

Now that you have seen this controversial image of supermodel Ymre Stiekema running around in her bikini and pushing a bugaboo stroller, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Do you find this funny, silly, absurd or is this something inspiring and something to strive for?

Here is Bugaboo’s Fanpage in case you would like to check it out.

Let us know what you think. 🙂