Be careful with your actions. If there’s one person that could mimic you really well, it’s your kid. One day, you’ll see and hear yourself in your kid. And it could be pretty hilarious. Imagine, your five-year old talking like you. That can definitely crack you up.
According to ParentingNation:
Kids can be compared to the porous little sponges; they absorb everything they are made to witness or experience. They look up to the people around and follow their mannerism.
There’s no doubt that your kid develops certain habits and gestures that he or she sees in you and in your husband. As parents, you always have to be aware of this.
Sometimes what they see stands constructive in building their personality as a grown up individual and at times, the negativity spread around hampers their healthy growth.
This is why you and your husband really have to watch your actions in front of the kids. The yelling or even cursing can have a negative impact on them. You can teach the right values by making a good impression on your kids. And if you want to be consistent in doing that, check out the next page.

There are 8 practical ways as to how you should behave in front of your kids. Here they are.
1. Be affectionate towards each other. The best thing you can ever show your kids is the love you have for each other.
2. Talk humbly and politely. Avoid the arrogance and the pride; speak to each other with respect.
3. Give each other the needed space. This will teach your kid to be more considerate as well.
4. Say Sorry and Thank you more often. You can’t teach your kids to say such powerful phrases if they don’t hear you say them.
5. Discuss things responsibly. Respect each other even if you have different points of view. It’s the best way to teach respect.
6. Indulge in some fun. They make up all the good memories.
7. Respect each other’s hobbies or interest. Don’t fight about it. Accept it or even learn more about it. It’s the best way to teach consideration and acceptance.
8. Seek each other’s advice. This is the best way for you show your kids that you, as parents, are their best support.
If you want to know more about the 8 necessary ways to behave in front of your kids, read the article on You will definitely pick up some great tips from it.
Would you have additional tips to add to this list?