It’s common knowledge nowadays that breastfeeding offers both baby and mom a lot of benefits. That’s why pediatrics and breastfeeding experts encourage moms to breastfeed their babies whenever they can.
What if you are out shopping with your little one and all of a sudden your little one has the need to be fed? Do you simply just whip out a boobie and nurse your starving little angel in the middle of the mall? I’m sure some nursing moms would without having any second thoughts. 🙂
Now here’s how it gets interesting. Believe it or not … Some folks are all for it, while some aren’t. There are just too many opposing thoughts on the topic of breastfeeding in public. According to
Today, nursing in public, or NIP, has become a hot-button issue. Women are told to cover up, feed in a bathroom, feed somewhere else, or are subjected to the stares of an uninformed public.
The fact is the number of moms who breastfeed are on the rise. According to
Breast-feeding rates are on the rise in the United States. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s 2013 Breast Feeding Report Card found that 77 percent of new mothers are breast-feeding their babies, up from 71 percent about a decade ago.
With the increase in breastfeeding moms, it’s not surprising that more moms are also choosing to nurse their babies in public. However, a survey by Kindara revealed a surprising finding about breastfeeding in public:
… an overwhelming majority of women — roughly 95 percent — thought it was perfectly fine to breastfeed in public, but 45 percent believed it was “best for women to use a cover” when doing so. Source:
It’s perfectly normal to breastfeed your baby. Unfortunately, there’s just so much fuss about doing it in public. People have their own thoughts and opinions about it. To put it bluntly, there just some people who feel very uncomfortable with it.
If you are the type who does not care about what people think, then go for it girl. There’s no need for you to read through this list.
Now, if you are the type of mom who simply wants to breastfeed your hungry little cutie in public while avoiding all the attention, commotion, or stares that sometimes happen, then here are some simple tips to help you.
Here are the 8 helpful tips to breastfeed in public discreetly:
8. Practice. Many mothers find it useful to do a trial run before nursing in public for the first time or before using a new strategy. If you’re curious about your exposure, you can practice how you adjust your clothes or how your baby latches in front of a mirror at home. Exploring different outfits or strategies can help you determine what you’re most comfortable with before you’re out in public. And don’t be afraid to mix it up – what you like for the pool may not be your favorite for the restaurant or the department store. Adapt for ease and coverage as needed. Source:

Breastfeeding maybe one of the most natural things to do but you still need to practice to get it right. Here’s what has to say about it:
If you have a babymoon period at home to relax with just you and your newborn, take full advantage. Keep your baby skin to skin, and work on practicing your latch and getting used to each other. The more comfortable you are with breastfeeding, the less you’ll feel fiddly and awkward when you’re in the public gaze.
With practice, breastfeeding will be a lot easier for you and it’s going to look a lot more natural. You won’t be calling too much attention to yourself. There’s another subtle way for you to breastfeed in public.
When you practice breastfeeding at home, you can …
7. Build Your Confidence. Practice nursing in front of a mirror, both seated and standing (many fussy babies will latch only if Mom is on her feet). You’ll get an idea of what passersby will see and can make tweaks if you’re giving a peep show. Source:

Confidence helps you become more comfortable when you breastfeed in public. That’s very important because according to
The more women who nurse with confidence everywhere and anywhere, the easier it gets for new mums to get out and about, without worrying about what they’ll do when their baby gets hungry.
When you’re confident enough to breastfeed in public, you’ll know exactly what to do so that you won’t attract too much attention. You will be able to breeze right through it, without any commotion. With practice and confidence, you will be able to do the two R’s.
These two R’s are very important when you breastfeed in public.
6. Relax And Reflect. Don’t feel nervous about the thought of breastfeeding in public. Once you’ve done it a few times you’ll become a pro. Before you venture out with your baby consider sitting in front of the mirror and watch yourself breastfeeding. You’ll see that breastfeeding barely reveals anything – especially once you’ve had a little bit of practice latching them on! Source:

This is why it’s very important for you to practice at home. With practice, you will be able to relax while breastfeeding in public. Everything will follow naturally after that. Here’s what has to say about it:
Stay cool and relaxed. Focus on getting a good latch and keeping you and your baby comfortable. If you behave like everything is in order, most people will too.
You have to be emotionally and physically prepared to be able to breastfeed in public discreetly. When it comes to your physical preparation, you need to do this.
If you do this, you’ll be able to breastfeed easily without attracting too much attention.
5. Wear Proper Clothing. Dresses and pinafores are not ideal. Button down shirts, zips and tops which are easily pulled up are better options. Source:

Choosing the right kind of clothing is one simple but subtle way to breastfeed in public discreetly. Take it from
It is entirely possible to breastfeed in public without showing any skin at all. You just have to practice a bit and wear the right kind of top and bra.
It can be nerve racking to breastfeed your little one in public, more so if you’re doing it for the first time. Don’t worry because there are certain products that can help you out. So it definitely is a must for you to have this particular product should you want to breastfeed in public discreetly.
It definitely is very convenient to …
4. Breastfeed Your Baby In A Sling. Slings or other soft infant carriers are especially helpful for traveling — it makes it easier to keep your baby comforted and close to you. Source:

According to, one of the many benefits of using a baby sling is the fact that …
A nursing sling is discreet, so you can breastfeed in public without anybody even knowing.
So don’t fail to get yourself a safe and reliable baby sling. That will really help you a lot when you breastfeed in public. There’s one more thing you need to do to ensure your privacy while breastfeeding in public. Don’t forget to do this.
It’s always nice to find a quiet place to nurse your baby.
3. Position Yourself for Privacy. Find a low-traffic zone, and use your stroller as a barrier to keep people at bay. Once settled, hold Baby in the crook of your arm and bring her close to you, then undo your nursing top and bra, or pull up your shirt. Source:

There’s nothing wrong with nursing your baby in a busy place but this article is all about breastfeeding in public discreetly, right? So what better way to do it but to find a quiet place, away from the crowd. Here’s a good way to do it, according to
Scout out places to nurse (ideally, before you need them). An out-of-the-way table in a restaurant (or a booth — if you can fit and maneuver comfortably), or even a quiet corner or dressing room in a department store will offer some privacy. (Many public places now offer special nursing rooms — it never hurts to ask.)
The next thing on the list is a very sensitive topic. Nonetheless, it’s important that you do it so that you won’t end up exposing yourself too much.
There’s no excuse for you not to do this.
2. Turn Away To Latch. The time when the most skin is likely to be shown is when the baby is first latching on. So let’s say you are sitting in a restaurant booth, next to the wall, but still visible to other diners. Before you latch the baby on, try turning so you are completely facing the wall. Source:

Remember, accidents can happen when you latch your baby. According to
The nipple may slip out of baby’s mouth …
When that happens, you’re exposed. That’s going to make you and a lot of people around you feel very uncomfortable. You definitely want to avoid that. Turning away to latch is one good way to nurse discreetly in public. Here’s the best way you can breastfeed in public discreetly. All you have to do is to purchase this product.
Purchasing this particular product will make it very convenient for you to breastfeed in public discreetly.
1. Use A Nursing Cover. One of the simplest solutions to discreet nursing is a nursing cover with a wire top. Put the cover on apron-style, and the opening at the top enables you to see your baby without covering her head. Bebe Au Lait makes adorable covers, including some in lightweight muslin to help keep baby comfy while feeding. If you prefer a cover that looks more like clothing, Serephine makes a pretty nursing shawl with side snaps that allows nursing to be fashionable. Both covers can also work overtime as blankets or infant seat covers. Source:

Using a nursing cover is the subtlest way to breastfeed in public. It’s also pretty easy to use it. According to, you can:
Make feeding in public embarrassment-free with a discreet and comfy cover …
Whether you call it a nursing cover or a breastfeeding cover, it aims to do one critical job. explains:
Breastfeeding cover, nursing shawl, even hooter hider. Whatever you choose to call it, they all have one important job – to help keep your privacy if you want to breastfeed but are worried about being exposed in any way.
If by any chance someone still confronts you about breastfeeding in public in spite of being discreet about it, the fine folks at and La Leche League International suggests the following ways to respond:
- Ignore the comment or change the subject.
- Share information on breastfeeding with the other person.
- Make a joke about the situation or yourself to lighten the mood.
- Show that you are recognizing the person’s viewpoint by asking further questions without agreeing or responding to the criticism.
- Be empathetic — show that you understand the other person’s feeling and meaning.
So there you have it, the 8 helpful tips to breastfeed in public in a low-key way. It’s worth mentioning again that breastfeeding in private or in public is your right. No one can deny that.
Choosing to breastfeed in public discreetly is your own personal choice to avoid too much attention. Should you deicide to take path, the above mentioned tips can definitely help out.
Would you consider doing any of these when you breastfeed in public?