Life with your newborn is never easy. Even if you’re holding the most adorable baby in the whole world, you’ll eventually get totally worked up. The late night crying, the gas pains, the constipation, and the off and on fever will definitely keep drive you nuts.
All those are just part and parcel of a life with a newborn. It’s pretty hectic but that’s life with a newborn. There will be times when you just want to scream and to shout. Don’t worry about it because the infant stage can really do that to good folks like you.
So what’s the best thing is for you to do? Instead of letting the craziness and chaos get to you, why not just enjoy the moment?
After all, it won’t be long until your newborn turns into a toddler. It may be hard for you to believe this right now, but the infant stage is a lot more peaceful than the toddler years.
Here are the 7 reasons why having an infant is way easier than having a toddler. Funny mom and writer, Alana Romain has this to say and to share about the infant stage.
7. They Smell Delicious. Is there anything sweeter than the smell of a newborn baby? Just take a nice long sniff of your little infant’s head and all of your worries will disappear. Unfortunately this doesn’t usually translate into toddlerhood.

The next reason has something to do with cleaning. When it comes to cleaning, having a baby may mean additional laundry and stuff to clean. Still …
6. Your Clean House Can Stay That Way. Babies usually mean lots of laundry and bottles. When you’re exhausted, this can feel overwhelming. But you’ve never properly met a slob until you’ve lived with a toddler.

You thought you need to be on heightened alert every time with an infant.
Infants don’t require you to be on heightened alert when they are awake cause …
5. They Will Stay In One Spot. Enjoy being able to sit your baby down knowing that he won’t be able to run off and throw himself head-first down the stairs when your back is turned for two seconds. Savor it. It won’t last long.

Planning to go out of the house? … Then it’s really no biggie with infants since …
4. You Can Go Places Pretty Easily. I long for the days I could just cruise them around in their car seats and entertain them with colorful, dangly toys … These days, I find myself at the grocery store with two toddlers trying to launch themselves out of the cart while I’m picking out apples.

You think managing the needs of your newborn is hectic? Actually, managing the needs of newborns is a lot easier since …
3. Their Needs Are Pretty Basic. The difficult part about newborns is that you have to do a lot of guessing. Are they hungry? Tired? Gassy? Maybe they just want to be held? As a parent, your job might be exhausting, but it’s pretty straightforward: keep the baby alive … Then comes toddlerhood. Now, you have to do all of the fundamental things you’ve done all along, but you also have to handle emotional meltdowns, the emerging need for independence …

If the constant crying of your baby is getting to you, think again.
Savor your newborns crying because …
2. They Are Quieter Than You Realize. Newborns cry, sure. But while it might feel incessant to your sleep-deprived, new-mom ears, I’m sorry to report that it gets worse. Eventually, crying will become screaming and whining, and it will happen specifically to voice their displeasure over a variety of formerly-benign occurrences – putting on clothes, getting out of the bath, eating dinner …

When it comes to managing sleep, you really cannot complain much when it comes to your baby’s sleeping habits cause …
1. Babies Sleep a Lot. Babies might not sleep the way we want them to (i.e. through the night), but they do sleep an awful lot … Toddler sleep is full of not-so-awesome things like night terrors, or waking up in the middle of the night because they want to talk to Grandma on Facetime.

The bottomline is, quit complaining. Enjoy your cute and adorable newborn. While it can get pretty crazy and chaotic, the infant stage is nothing compared to the toddler years.
So if you could just seize the moment, do it. Then make sure to brace yourself because the infant stage is nothing like the years to come.
If you are not totally convinced about the serenity of the infant stage, as compared to the toddler years, take a good look at what Alana has to fully say about it. You can read her full article here.
Do you agree that infant stage is a lot more peaceful than the toddler years?