Want to have kids who will have a positive outlook on life and a pleasant disposition? It’s actually not that hard if you know what to do.
To start with, raising happy kids starts with the parents. Happy parents equals happy kids as kids are a reflection of who you are and the aura that you project.
According to Christine Carter, PhD, author of Raising Happiness: 10 Simple Steps for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents and a senior fellow at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center:
You can’t teach these habits without getting happier yourself … positive emotions are amplified, and the benefits are stronger.
Jeffrey Froh, PsyD, a Hofstra University psychology professor and coauthor of Making Grateful Kids: The Science of Building Character says that:
Having close family relationships is a key predictor of overall happiness.
If you want to raise upbeat kids, you must set the example yourself. To reinforce this, read on the next page 7 cool tips to help you raise happy kids.

According to this great article by Parents.com and FamilyFun magazine, there are 7 essential ways for you to raise happy kids.
1. Commit Acts of Kindness. Doing a good deed is a win-win. It helps others and adds to the deed-doer’s happiness.
2. LOL — A Lot. Get serious about getting goofy. Laughing can bring families closer together.
3. Jump for Joy. An instant happiness lift could be just a hop, skip, and a jump away.
4. Unplug for a While. To lighten the mood, pull the plug and connect with your kids.
5. Get Into Gratitude. The nicest thing you can give your kids is a deep appreciation for what they already have.
6. Go Play Outside. Getting active outdoors has proven payoffs for body and mind.
7. Celebrate Sunny Thinking. With some basic tactics, you can help kids develop an optimistic worldview.
To learn more details about these great tips, head on over to this wonderful and informative article on Parents.com.
Do you have any smart tips of your own for raising a happy child?