If there’s one thing moms can’t help but do, it is to feel guilty. For some strange reasons, the feeling of guilt comes naturally. You feel guilty about this. You feel guilty about that. You just feel guilty about everything. That sucks big time but sometimes, you just can’t help it.
Here’s the good news. You don’t have to feel guilty. According to an article on popsugar.com:
… there are a few things in parenthood that we might not want to admit but that are perfectly normal to do (or feel).
It actually is okay do some of the things that you’ve been so guilty of doing in the past. As a matter of fact, there are times when you need to do them. At some point, you need to keep your sanity. So stop depriving yourself of some peace and quiet; stop depriving yourself of some time away from your kids.
The article states:
None of the following means that we love our kids any less; it’s more that we’re doing our best to balance life and children.

So you can stop feeling guilty now. Go ahead and do these things. See for yourself why it’s okay to do them.
1. Go Back to Work
If you need to go back to work, it’s okay. Don’t feel guilty about it. You have your own reasons why you need or want to go back to work. Do what makes you happy and you’ll be a happy mom as well.2. Relish Your Tot’s Nap Time
Enjoy the peace and quiet. It doesn’t come as often as you want it to.3. Love When The School Bus Comes
School is great especially when you’re kids are in it. This is a great time for you to do some stuff in the house and run errands.4. Take An Adult Vacation
You have to admit it. Each time you and your family go on a vacation, you get tired. What maybe a vacation for your kids is duty time for you, right? That’s why you need an adult vacation.5. Take a Mommy Time-Out
Even basketball games have time-outs, so why can’t you? Everybody needs a time-out. So the next time you go on one, don’t feel guilty.6. Have a Date Day
You deserve a date day. Whether you’re going out with your husband or with a couple of friends, you deserve do go on one.7. Put Daddy on Active Duty
Never feel guilty to have your husband do some things around the house for you. Remember, he’s as much as a parent as you are.8. Not Have Anymore Children
There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to have any more. And if there’s one person that knows this very well, it’s you.9. Get Annoyed by your Children
Just like anybody else, you have emotions. So it’s perfectly natural to get annoyed by your children. It doesn’t mean you love them any less, it just means you’re human.10. Dread Summer
The thought of having the kids around, every second of the day, can be quite overwhelming. It might be so overwhelming that you actually summer. That’s okay. You have the right to feel that way.11. Get a Sitter For Mom’s Needs
This is something you should never feel guilty about. It actually is something you should do all the time.
So there you have it. You should stop feeling guilty. You should also thank popsugar.com for the awesome article that just made you feel good.
Are there other things that you do that make you feel guilty?